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Virtual Open House via Zoom

Lilium Initiative is looking for more volunteers to join us and our mission. This open house is an opportunity to find out more about our current projects at this public meeting & panel discussion. Everyone is welcome!

Open House Meeting Agenda

Sunday, October 17th, 3PM - 4:30/5:00PM PT

Use the button above to join us via Zoom today at 3pm PT!

Welcome & Background on Lilium Initiative

Farmer & Practitioner Panel - Farmers and Practitioners will introduce themselves, their farm or practice and how they work with Lilium Initiative.

Q&A & Discussion - Farmers and practitioners will address questions from the moderator and audience.

Projects and Subcommittees- Learn about what's happening at Lilium Initiative - current projects and projects in the works for the next 6-12 mo. Opportunities to plug in and get involved will be shared!

Breakout Sessions - Smaller breakout rooms will be available for the audience to ask questions, learn more about getting involved with Lilium Initiative, and discuss farmer or practitioner initiatives.

Registration Details

REGISTRATION HAS CLOSED BUT YOU CAN STILL JOIN US. Click the button below to join us on Zoom once the meeting begins.