Organoleptic Workshop Registration (Volunteers Only)

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Organoleptic Workshop Registration (Volunteers Only)

from $50.00

Please register to reserve your spot (and samples!) for the Organoleptic Workshop.

FEB 20th, 2021 9AM-5PM

Work Trade:
Register Now

If you plan on attending the Organoleptics workshop on Feb 20th, 2021 please register now so that we can reserve a space for you. There are 2 payment options for our much appreciated Lilium volunteer and core group. Because there is a significant cost of purchasing herb samples from our growers and shipping them to be sorted and then again to course participants we are asking everyone to contribute a minimum of $50 to cover these hard costs.

The member price for the workshop to the public is $150. If you would like to pay that in full, that is one option for registration. The other option is to do a work trade to cover up to $100 of your registration fee. We are reimbursing volunteer members at the exchange value of $20/hour for time worked to produce the workshop. If you will commit up to 5 hours to work/trade then go ahead and select the $50 option when registering. Otherwise, please pay the member rate of $150.

If you would like to work trade and do not already have work assigned, please contact JuJu or Dave and they will be able to put you to work! You can email them at dmelly70 (at) and jmurcis (at)